Sharing Component


  The styling class of the the component
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <sharing name="sharingName" class="Test class">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  The styling id of the the component
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <sharing name="sharingName" id="Test id">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  The name of the component that will be used to refer to it in code.
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <sharing name="sharingName" name="testComponent">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false


Method name Description Parameters
shareFile Shares a file through any capable application installed on the phone by displaying a list of the available apps and allowing the user to choose one from the list. The selected app will open with the file inserted on it.
sharingName.shareFile("Test file")
file string
shareFileWithMessage Shares both a file and a message through any capable application installed on the phone by displaying a list of available apps and allowing the user to choose one from the list. The selected app will open with the file and message inserted on it.
sharingName.shareFileWithMessage(file, message)
sharingName.shareFileWithMessage("Test file", "Test message")
file string
message string
shareMessage Shares a message through any capable application installed on the phone by displaying a list of the available apps and allowing the user to choose one from the list. The selected app will open with the message inserted on it.
sharingName.shareMessage("Test message")
message string