Label Component


  Specifies the label's background color as an red-green-blue-alpha RRGGBBAA or red-green-blue RRGGBB string.
Data type: color
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" backgroundColor="FF228507">
Code Writeable true labelName.backgroundColor = "FF228507"
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.backgroundColor

  Specifies whether the label's text should be bold. Some fonts do not support bold.
Data type: boolean
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" fontBold="true">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  Specifies whether the label's text should be italic. Some fonts do not support italic.
Data type: boolean
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" fontItalic="true">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  Specifies the label's text's font size, measured in sp(scale-independent pixels).
Data type: number
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" fontSize="24">
Code Writeable true labelName.fontSize = 24
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.fontSize

  Specifies the label's text's font face as 'serif', 'sans serif', or 'monospace'.
Data type: number
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" fontTypeface="monospace">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  Returns the content of the Label as HTML. This is only useful if the HTMLFormat property is true.
Data type: string
Designer Writable false
Code Writeable false
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.HTMLContent

  Specifies the label's text's format
Data type: boolean
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" HTMLFormat="true">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  Specifies whether the label should have margins. This margin value is not well coordinated with the designer, where the margins are defined for the arrangement, not just for individual labels.
Data type: boolean
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" hasMargins="true">
Code Writeable true labelName.hasMargins = true
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.hasMargins

  Specifies the Label's vertical height, measured in pixels.
Data type: number
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" height="0">
Code Writeable true labelName.height = 0
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.height

  Specifies the Label's vertical height as a percentage of the Screen's Height.
Data type: number
Designer Writable false
Code Writeable true labelName.heightPercent = 0
Code Readable false

  Specifies the text displayed by the label.
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" text="Test text">
Code Writeable true labelName.text = "Test text"
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.text

  Specifies the alignment of the label's text, options are 'left', 'right' and 'center'
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" textAlignment="center">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  Specifies the label's text color as an red-green-blue-alpha RRGGBBAA or red-green-blue RRGGBB string.
Data type: color
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" textColor="FFee6267">
Code Writeable true labelName.textColor = "FFee6267"
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.textColor

  Specifies whether the Label should be visible on the screen. Value is true if the Label is showing and false if hidden.
Data type: boolean
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" visible="true">
Code Writeable true labelName.visible = true
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.visible

  Specifies the horizontal width of the Label, measured in pixels.
Data type: number
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" width="90">
Code Writeable true labelName.width = 90
Code Readable true let variable = labelName.width

  Specifies the horizontal width of the Label as a percentage of the Screen's Width.
Data type: number
Designer Writable false
Code Writeable true labelName.widthPercent = "66%"
Code Readable false

  The styling class of the the component
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" class="Test class">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  The styling id of the the component
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" id="Test id">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false

  The name of the component that will be used to refer to it in code.
Data type: string
Designer Writable true <label name="labelName" name="testComponent">
Code Writeable false
Code Readable false